Autumn Possibilities

Autumn Possibilities 
By Jeff Whitaker
It happens every year but it still amazes me.  Seems like just as the calendar turns from August to September suddenly the mornings get cooler and the evenings more crisp.  It’s like magic. I know you’re probably going to say, “But Jeff; it’s called the change of seasons.”  I know that but it’s as if beyond the calendar, nature is giving us an even deeper message as well.  There is something about the newness of Autumn.  The crisp, clean air seems to send a message of freshness, a turning of the page of sorts.
As children head back to school and more predictable routines kick in, this time of year is also a great time to recalibrate our lives.  Most of us think of January first as our “clean slate” day. But I look at Fall in a similar way.  With that in mind, let me offer up three ways you can begin fresh this time of year.
  1. Begin with an assessment.  I’m a firm believer that you can’t begin to go where you want to go until you recognize where you are.  Think about it.  What is the first question a GPS asks when you look to it for directions?  It says, “May I access your current location?”  So, look at the major areas of your life in which you want to see improvement or advancement. Acknowledge where you are and then you can move on to step two.
  2. Lay out goals to aim toward and accomplishments to achieve.  Focus on the most important areas of your life (the ones where you want to see progress) and list realistic goals to achieve and the timeframe in which you want to achieve them.
  3. Map out the necessary steps to reach those goals.  It’s not enough to assess your situation or to even set a goal.  You have to develop a plan and then be willing to work the plan to achieve that goal or accomplishment.
Fall is among other things; the perfect pair of non-scuffed school sneakers, the smell of a newly opened pure white package of college-ruled paper, a sharpened pencil and fresh eraser, the brand new text book with a stiff binding never before cracked open, the lunchbox not yet used.  It’s all new, untried, not yet tested.
Let this season be a fresh start for you as well. Make it about new beginnings, recalibrating and reaching for new heights.  Happy Fall!